This was the kind of day that one stores away in memory to bring out on a -30 day in mid March when it seems warm sunny days are so deep beneath a harsh prairie winter they may never come to surface again. This day was absolutely beautiful! We just lazed in the warm gentle rays of the October Mediterranean sun and read and dozed. The clear turquoise water licked the warm, sandy shore in a rhythmic beat that calms the soul. I watched sail boats in the distance. It was peaceful with the only sound to mingle with the sea's song was a happy sing song of a little girl playing in the sand while her parents lay reading.
Eventually I couldn't resist the beckoning water. It was warm and buoyant and so refreshing to paddle
and float, letting the lapping water carry me back to shore. I opened the lid in my mind and bottled away every little bit of the day and know it shall bring sunshine to long winter days.
We cooked a yummy omelet supper in our cute little kitchen, went out to catch the beauty of the rising moon and enjoy a cozy evening together. Life is so good!
What a wonderful sounding day! and some amazingly beautiful pictures.